Jesus’ last words to his disciples as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel were, ‘Therefore, go into all the world and make disciples…’ (Mt 28.19-10). Missions – the task of taking the gospel to all people in all places – has always been a vital component of church life, and Bethel is committed to both supporting and being involved in gospel mission throughout the world.
We currently support one missionary: Manuel Lopez Franco, the pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Almuñecar in Grenada, Spain. He and his wife, are heavily involved in the work of the church as well as a wider outreach ministry through radio and the internet.
One of the key New Testament teachings on Christian missionary responsibility is that the gospel is ‘first for the Jew, then also for the Gentile’ (Romans 1.16). Throughout the history of the church, this principle has been worked out through a conscious effort to bring the gospel to Jews. Bethel’s involvement with sharing the gospel with the Jewish community around the world has been with Christian Witness to Israel – a UK based mission.
Bethel also has connections with and supports a Presbyterian church in North East India.
We also seek to broaden our missionary horizons through regular visits from a range of missionaries and evangelists who visit us on deputation. It is our desire that, as we grow as a church, we would broaden our missionary vision and commitment.