Our community
Like many churches, we’re quite a mix of people of all ages and from all sorts of backgrounds, but we have one important thing in common: we believe Jesus Christ is the key to finding new life with God.
Our desire is that for those who already have a living faith in him, we would grow to know him better, and for those who are seeking God, that they will find him through the good news – the gospel – that lies at the very heart of our life as a church.
Our History.
Bethel Church was started in 1991 as an outreach work from Ely Presbyterian Church.
The church was formed with the vision of serving the rapidly growing community on the North West edge of Cardiff. Since there were few other churches in that area, the core group who were part of this new work were eager to share the Christian faith with those living in the Michaelston area.
That vision is still very much at the heart of the church’s life and work today.

Our links
Bethel is part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches in England and Wales (EPCEW), a larger network of Presbyterian churches. Click here for more information.

Bethel’s leadership falls into three categories.
The elders: who are responsible for the overall direction and pastoral care of the church. The deacons: who look after the practical needs of people in the church and more widely in the community as well as looking after the church finances and upkeep of our property. Then there are various men and women who lead the different groups, activities and ministries we run from week to week.

Andrew is married to Sian and they have three children. Originally from South Africa, Andrew ministered in Wrexham, North Wales, for fourteen years before moving to Cardiff in 2021.
He is a great supporter of Welsh rugby, but only when they are not playing the Springboks!

A Manchester man, Ian moved to London to work as a Royal Mint scientist. Whilst there, in his early twenties, he was converted to Christ under Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ ministry and that of faithful friends before relocating with the Mint to Wales in 1971.
He retired in 1998 as the Queens Assay Master and senior scientist, and awarded an OBE.
Ian joined Ely Presbyterian Church, Cardiff and was a founder elder of the church plant which is Bethel. He has been an elder in both churches spanning 40 years. Married to Jean, they have children James and Mary with six grandchildren.

Alan is married to Janis. They have two children, Sara and Robert. Alan became a Christian in his early twenties and was ordained as an elder in 1980.
He has served Bethel since its formation as a Mission Church. Before he retired in 2007 as a Chartered Building Surveyor he was employed for 24 years in the Health Service and latterly as Head of Estates in Cardiff Metropolitan University.

James grew up in a Christian family and during his teenage years God showed Him that everything he had been taught about Jesus Christ was true. Jesus really had come to earth and died for His people’s sins – James’ included.
James is married to Natalie and they have three children.
He works as a Track Engineer for the railway, enjoys keeping a range of animals as a smallholder, reading and listening to Celtic music.

Phil is married to Zoe and they have two children. He is currently a university lecturer, prior to which he worked as an architectural technologist.
Phil became a Christian in 1999 and has been a member in Bethel ever since.

Doug started work with British Rail at the age of fifteen and still has a great love of engines and railways. Most of his working life has been spent as a school caretaker in Cardiff and working for Data Power Tools, a local company in Ely.
He is now retired and volunteers in the local community in energy efficiency projects and also as an Adopter of three railway stations.
He has been a deacon of the church for almost fifty years and has always wanted to serve God in this capacity, assisting the elders and members of the church.
Doug is married to Patricia and has three daughters and seven grand-children.

Steve is married to Miriam and has two young children. He works as Careers Leader at Bridgend college.
Steve has been at Bethel since 2015 and started serving as a Deacon in 2018. He enjoys playing and watching football.